Louise: 07736 777752 Mark: 07990 792073
Opening Event with Margaret Austin
Sunday Nov 6th 2011 - Margaret Austin is the first guest teacher to come to the Congleton Iyengar Yoga Centre and we were extremely pleased that she agreed to teach at the Centre's opening event. Margaret teaches at the North East Institute of Iyengar Yoga, she is a moderator and assessor and on the Teachers Committee of the Iyengar Yoga Association for the UK. She is very experienced, having taught Iyengar Yoga since the late 1970's and became a Senior Teacher in 1992.
At the event Margaret taught a wide range of poses to the attendees of varying ability, from those relatively new to Iyengar Yoga through to existing teachers, managing to take them a step further relative to their ability.
The photographs are intended to give a flavour of the event and illustrate some of the poses and the attention Margaret gave to teaching and increasing the understanding of each asana. The 3-hour session was thoroughly enjoyed by all the participants.
Virabhadrasana I (left) - strengthens the entire body while improving the mind and self-control. It shapes and tones the lower body especially the abdominal muscles. It also builds stronger upper body strength and back strength. This pose may help reduce back pain. By lifting of the upper body and stretching the chest, there is a postive effect on breathing.
Virabhadrasana III (right) - this pose is described by BKS Iyengar as an intensified continuation of Virabhadrasana I.
Here Margaret is encouraging the practitioner to push from the hands on the wall through the body to the foot by pushing against Margaret's thigh. This stretching action encourages the feeling of a continuous line with the arms, torso and leg whilst maintaining the standing leg as stiff as possible.
© Copyright Congleton Iyengar Yoga Centre
Dhanurasana (below left) - stretches the entire front of the body, ankles, thighs and groins, abdomen and chest, and throat. It strengthens the back muscles, improves the flexibility of the spine and improves posture.
Margaret emphasises the key points of Sirsasana (right).
In closing Christina said "we were very privileged to have Margaret here at the Centre's opening event, her integrity and commitment come through in her teaching and that encourages all students to maximise their potential".